While there are many youth Scout leader training options available, there are two specific types of training that are most common for our troop, these are JLOW and NYLT.
Junior Leader Orientation Workshop (JLOW) courses are offered by the district and assist a Scout in learning the basics of leadership. The courses are generally conducted during an eight hour day. The JLOW training is especially beneficial for Scouts who are interested in becoming patrol leaders, instructors and taking on similar roles with the troop. Scouts must be approved by their Scoutmaster before signing up for JLOW training.
National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) is a six day advanced leadership experience. Scouts who take NYLT are preparing themselves for more advanced roles within the troop, such as Troop Guide, ASPL or SPL. To be eligible to take the NYLT course, a Scout must be First Class, 14 years of age and approved by his Scoutmaster. All participants must be experienced campers, including one week long camp experience.