Turkey Event

Who: AOL Scouts

When: Saturday, Nov 4, 2023

Check-in: 9:30 – 10 AM

Where: Northwest United Methodist Church
5200 Riverside Dr, Columbus, OH 43220

Cost: $10 per person, Fee includes Lunch and Turkey Dinner


Schedule of Events:

9:30-10:00am Check-in
10:00am Opening Ceremony, Skill and Game Stations
10:30am Parent Information Session
12:00pm Lunch
1:00pm Skill and Game Stations, Campfire, Skits and Songs
5:30pm Turkey Dinner, Program
7:00pm Flag Retirement Ceremony

Each year, Troop 200 hosts the annual “Turkey Event” for Arrow of Light scouts that are interested in learning more about what it is like to be a Boy Scout and the Troop 200 scouting program.

Arrow of Light scouts arrive on Saturday morning and after an opening ceremony, will rotate through skill and game stations. The afternoon typically includes an afternoon “campfire” with skits and songs. This is followed by a Thanksgiving style dinner, including turkey that is cooked outside during the day. The event ends on Saturday night after a flag retirement ceremony.

What to bring:

  • Wear your Class “A” uniform (if you only have the top and not the official scout pants, any pants are fine for this event).
  • Water bottle
  • Lunch and dinner are provided – no need to bring food
  • Outdoor weather gear, we spend much of the day outside.
  • Be prepared for cold, rain and sun—this would include: hat, gloves, rain gear boots to keep your feet warm and dry
  • Multiple layers of loose clothing (Enough layers to avoid having to wear a heavy coat)
  • An extra change of clothes in case you get wet during the day.

Adult Leader & Parent Involvement:

We require that each pack have at least one adult representative that is familiar with their scouts for the entire time your pack has scouts at the event. Often a den leader or an active scout parent are good choices. We will provide the adults two deep leadership if only one adult from your pack is available. We will hold a Parent Information Session at 10:30am for parents to learn more about the troop.

Adult volunteers are needed to make this event possible. Assistance is needed in the kitchen and Ministry Center, and is an opportunity for visiting parents/caregivers to learn about why We Are Troop 200!


Scoutmaster: John Pirt (johnpirt@sbcglobal.net)
Turkey Event Coordinator: Leslie Moore (lmoore76@gmail.com)

We are Troop 200