Troop 200 has been Scouting for over 35 years!
Troop 200 was founded in 1982 by Cliff Peeno and chartered by Olde Sawmill Elementary School in Dublin, Ohio. In the ensuing 35 years, we have had 11 scoutmasters and have met at seven different locations. We have now been connected to our current chartered organization, North West United Methodist Church (NWUMC), longer than all of our previous chartered organizations combined.
In the early years the troop stayed relatively small at less than 20 active scouts and almost disbanded in the mid 80’s. Efforts by some dedicated leaders saved the troop and it moved to new locations and began new directions.
In the mid-to-late 90’s the expanded activity programs put together by John Barca, Kirk Riley and enhanced by Matt Frye in 2005 started to attract more and more youth from area Packs. In 2009 to 2012, the troop was routinely registering 80-100 Scouts each year. In 2016, the troop had its first registration of more than 150 scouts.
The Troop’s first Eagle Scouts were recognized in January of 1987, when five friends all achieved the rank of Eagle. Since that time, more than 100 more Scouts from Troop 200 have earned the Eagle rank. The peak year (so far) was “12 in 12” year – when 12 Scouts earned their rank and the troop held a celebration that included shaving the head of former Scout Master and big-hair guy, Mr. Kirk Riley.
In addition to providing the Scouts a solid program, our troop has been a breeding ground for BSA leaders. You will find many of our Troop’s adult leaders teaching leadership classes, running district events or holding committee positions in the Buckeye district or the Simon Kenton Council. If you attend many District or Council events, you’ll likely run into current and past Troop 200 leaders like: Jim Jaeger, Jeff McDonald, Kirk Riley, Matt Frye, Mark Brusadin, Drew McCartt, Kate Leaver, Kim Oblinger, Gary DeSilva and others.
Troop 200 Scoutmasters:
- Cliff Peeno 1982-1984
- Mark Coleman 1984-1985
- Bill Patton 1985-1988
- Steve Laraway 1989-1990
- Dave Blaugrund 1990-1996
- John Barca 1996-2000
- Kirk Riley 2000-2005
- Matt Frye 2005-2008
- Mark Locker 2008-2011
- John Pirt 2011-2016
- Bob Moffit 2017-2021
- John Pirt 2021-present
Troop Meeting Locations & charter organization:
- Olde Sawmill Elementary School 1982-1985
- Fellowship Lutheran Church 1985-1988
- Prince of Peace Lutheran Church 1988-1992
- Wyandot Elementary School 1992-1994
- Scottish Corners Elementary School 1994-1996
- St. Patrick Episcopal Church 1996-2000
- NW United Methodist Church 2000-present
Many thanks to Jack Marmion and Dave Blaugrund for contributing information and Steve Cianca for researching and collecting this data.
Last update: September 2022