- Introduction to Scouting (MS Word)
- Parent Guide 2016 (Adobe PDF) (Word Version)
- Fast Facts 2011 (Adobe PDF) This is older, but has some great bits of information. Contacts are partially out of date though.
- Parent Survey form (Adobe PDF)
- Youth Protection documents from
- Cyber Chip page from (has link to downloadable PDF version)
Summer Camp
- Any specific documents about this year’s camp will be on the summer camp page. This can be found on the front page of this site.
- What is Summer Camp like? Watch a video showing us at Camp Friedlander.
- Medication Form (PDF) (Excel version too) Fill this out completely if your Scout needs to take any sort of medication at camp. Put this form and the medications (in their original containers) in a ziploc bag and give to the Medicine person the morning your scout leaves for camp.
- Youth Protection Online Training (Need to renew this every two years)
- 2013 Green Bar Training (Adobe PDF)
- Camping Responsibility Check List (MS Excel)
- Camping Roster and Equipment (MS Excel)
- Local Tour Permit (Adobe PDF – prints legal size) [Opens directly from National BSA site]
- National Tour Permit (Adobe PDF – prints legal size) [Opens directly from National BSA site]
Merit Badges and Counselors
- Merit Badge Site (
index.php/Merit_Badges) - Adult Leader Application (PDF from SKC Site, Use code 42 for MB Counselor)
- Merit Badge Counselor Information Form (PDF from Council site)
- Troop Resource Survey (PDF from
- 2006 Merit Badge Planning Checklist (MS Word)
- General Merit Badge Counselor Info & Guide:
Training/Adult/Supplemental/ MeritBadgeCounselorInstructors - Merit Badge Counselor Overview
index.php/Merit_badge_ counselors - Counselor Explanation from BSA site
usscouts/boyscouts/ mbcounseling.asp
- Annual Health and Medical Record Information and FAQs
filestore/HealthSafety/pdf/ 680-001_instruction.pdf -
Annual Health and Medical Record Blank Forms
filestore/HealthSafety/pdf/ 680-001_ABC.pdf - Medication Form (PDF) (Excel version too) Fill this out completely if your Scout needs to take any sort of medication at a campout.
- Cool Weather (Fall/Spring) Camping
- Cold Weather (Winter) Camping
- Cold Weather Camping Gear List
- Cold Weather Camping Gear List (MS Excel)
- Backpacking Gear List (latest) (MS Word)
- Backpacking Gear List (old, but with many notes)
- Menu Planning Form (MS Word doc)
- Camp Gear check list (from another site) (MS Word)