Category Archives: Service Hours

Scout Sunday

This is your opportunity to give back to the Troop and to the Church for all they provide to you during the year.  Please plan on attending in full Class A uniform to represent Troop 200 and to assist with the Scout Sunday service at the 9:30 Service at the Church.  Thank you.

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EasterEggs-512pxHey scouts, the EGGstravaganza is coming up. One of our big events of the year is Saturday March 30th. Scouting volunteers should be there by 9:00 AM so you can help out and have a practice run. Remember this is about giving back to the community and being a role model for those younger kids. There will be plenty to help out with, between breakfast (I believe Mr. Pirt might have already mentioned the free donuts), games, crafts, a cupcake walk and at 10:45 an Easter Egg Hunt! If you can, the church is also accepting donations of plastic eggs, candy or breakfast items. Don’t forget to sign up and be there at 9:00 sharp.