Adult Training




Troop 200 encourages all parents (Dads AND Moms) to actively participate in the Troop Committee to help run our Troop.  We also welcome any Mom or Dad willing to commit to taking any of the council training courses to take the next step and become a registered uniformed leader of our troop. Contact the Troop Training Chairman who can provide you with any information or assistance you need regarding JLT or Adult Leader course offerings.

Youth troop leaders are encouraged to attend one of the week-long junior leader courses (Nagatamen, Brown Sea, or Eagle Feather) annually provided by the Simon Kenton Council.


The Buckeye District and Simon Kenton Council are participating in a pilot program of the Boy Scouts of America. As such, all registered and uniformed leaders will need to be 100% training for their position. New documents available include What makes a trained leader.pdf and FAQs for Pilot Training.pdf.


Troop 200 will reimburse 50% of course costs upon completion of BSA adult and youth leadership training courses.


Adult Leader Training

One of the keys to a successful Scouting experience for young people, second only to the selection of the right person for each responsibility, is trained volunteer leadership.

Leadership training provides adult leaders with fundamental information about the aims and methods of the movement, as well as specifics about their particular roles in Scouting.

Troop 200 is committed to supporting top quality training opportunities for our leaders and parents.  Through these efforts at troop, district and council level, the delivery of a better and stronger quality Scouting program can be provided to our entire youth membership.

BSA has developed an e-learning site to help make this process a bit more convenient. You can use the following link – – to access. They have instructions on site to lead you through the process.

Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters are considered trained when they have completed This is Scouting, Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training, and Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills. Troop Committee members are considered trained when they have completed This is Scouting and the Troop Committee Challenge as their Leader specific training.

Merit Badge Counselor:

If you are interested in becoming a merit badge counselor, please contact the Scoutmaster or any Assistant Scoutmaster.  A brief orientation will be provided as to the responsibilities and resources.

Adult Leader Training Classes

Youth Protection Training

Youth Protection training is designed to help you keep our youth safe from abuse. You will learn the Boy Scouts of America’s Youth Protection Guidelines, signs of abuse, and how to report suspected abuse. After each section of material, you will answer questions about that section’s topic. This course must be completed to earn the “Trained” emblem. Completion is noted automatically in the BSA training records database if the module is experienced online. Estimated time to complete: 40 minutes.

Green Bar New Leader Essential Training

It is the focus of the Green Bar Training to give adults the knowledge, tools and desire to occupy either Adult Assistant Patrol Leader positions, or to be a special leader, the Adult Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (aka, the Scoutmaster). That is the focus of Green Bar training and the origin of the course symbol – the single green bar of the assistant patrol leader. The goal of Green Bar training is to produce adults who understand it is their calling to assistant the patrol leaders and other youth leaders of their home troops to be better leaders and Scouts.

Blackfoot  Scout Leader Training

Blackfoot is an enhanced training program that combines the contents of Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster Leader Specific training and Introduction into Outdoor Leadership Skills (IOLS) into one cohesive experience.  Since Blackfoot follows the BSA nationally-recognized materials established for the two courses, the fundamental content is identical to one-day SM & ASM Leader Specific instruction and even the test-out option for IOLS.
But, Blackfoot adheres to the EDGE principle—Explain, Demonstrate, Guide, Enable—and hence is an immersion experience that cannot be realized with abbreviated classroom style programs.
Not only will you learn the skills necessary to be a great troop leader, you will live the life of a scout. You will experience first-hand what it means to apply the Patrol Method, to rely on your fellow patrol members and to learn from them as well as from Blackfoot staff.
More importantly, you will participate in—and not merely observe—program activities that can be shared with your units.  You will develop lasting friendships with other scout leaders.

Okama New Leader Essential Training

As an enhanced course, the OKAMA experience is very special.  Like other BSA training courses, OKAMA provides all of the knowledge and skills to give effective leadership to a   Scouting unit and to earn the ”Trained“ patch.   What makes OKAMA special is that it  allows each Participant to truly ”live“ the Scouting program from the perspective of a          young Scout.  To the maximum extent possible, the focus is on ”learning by doing“, with special emphasis on the patrol formation, team building, troop operation and personal   nteractions.  The OKAMA staff, comprised of experienced, enthusiastic Scouters, has a primary goal of helping each individual Participant develop that special bond between        fellow participants and the OKAMA Staff, which is the true OKAMA experience. While this is occuring, each participant is learning how to make the Scouting program both fun        and meaningful, and how to support and guide the Scouts as they grow into mature leaders.

Wood Badge

Woodbadge is the highest level of adult leader training offered by the BSA and requires successful completion of a New Leader Essentials Training Course.  Wood Badge courses are held every fall and cover two, three-day weekends.  This course has an extensive syllabus in leadership skills, conflict resolution and Scouting lore.  Many consider Wood Badge as the most meaningful course they’ve ever attended in or out of Scouting.

We are Troop 200