JLOW, Junior Leader Orientation Workshop, the one day event sponsored for youth (Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts, Venturers and Sea Scouts) just beginning leadership roles in their unit and for Scouts wanting to learn more about how to be a better leader. (It is recommended that Boy Scouts have been in the troop for at least 1 year). There are 2 training tracks to choose from!
To qualify for this exciting training, a Scout must be First Class, 13 years of age (14 years of age and older is STRONGLY recommended), and approved by his Scoutmaster. A Venture equivalent outdoor skills and be approved by their unit leader. All participants should have had at least one long-term camping experience and be comfortable living in the outdoors at a camp setting. We expect participants to abide by the Scout Oath and Law, governing all behavior. We expect participants to make decisions based on the principals of the Boy Scout programs, as well as those skills they will be taught as part of the NYLT PROGRAM.
Each course can accommodate up to 48 youth. To ensure the best experience, a maximum of eight participants from one Unit is suggested.
To find out more or if you have questions, please contact:
April- Patty Hisey: NYLT Simon Kenton Council, (614-778-4075) Register for NYLT – Simon Kenton at Camp Lazarus Here
June- Bill Hohman: NYLT Nagatamen (614-216-3962) Register for NYLT – Nagatamen at Camp Oyo Here
June- Chip Herr: NYLT True North (614-546-8578) Register for NYLT – True North at Camp Oyo Here