UPDATE: Flower Delivery Volunteers needed:
2018 Boy Scout Troop 200 Flower Sale
A very special thank you to Baise Printing [http://www.baisequalityprinting.com/] for printing out our flyers and order forms for the boys. Feel free to see them for all your printing needs and let them know Troop 200 sent you.
March 6th – April 10th
Documents for Download (Customers like to see what they are buying)
Brochure of Flats
Brochure of Potted Plants
Brochure for Hanging Baskets
Order Form
Instructions & Important Information
- Wear your Scout uniform.
- Present yourself, including your name and the fact that you are from Boy Scout Troop 200, to your potential customer.
- Ask your potential customer if they would like to support you and Troop 200 by purchasing flower annuals.
- Discuss flower options and colors. Refer to Troop website for sample color images or view online cart at www.fundraiseIT.org. Use your websale code to access.
- Collect their money before you leave. Checks payable to “BSA Troop 200”. Say THANK YOU!
- No ½ flats – we will sell only full flats.
- Enter orders at fundraiseIT.org by April 10th.
- Give Money for the orders to a Petal Pusher by Tuesday, April 10th. Petal Pusher Contacts:
Ms. Mullett 614-477-3267 gmullett01@gmail.com
Mrs. Major 614-378-9010 inka.major@gmail.com - YOU must pick up your orders on Tuesday, May 8th! Flowers will be ready at 7pm. Your customers should not go to the church to get their flowers.
- Questions? Just Ask!
To use the online cart do the following:
1- Goto www.fundraiseIT.org
2- Click on “Online Shopping” button
3- Enter the “Web Sale Code” that is printed on the label
4- Follow the onscreen prompts to obtain your student’s shopping cart URL. The URL is unique to each scout. The URL displays to the screen, but more importantly it is emailed to you.
5- Share the url on twitter, facebook, social media, email…
Parent Question: How do I know what orders were placed online for my scout?
1- Goto www.fundraiseIT.org
2- Click PARENTS
4- View all of the orders placed using your sellers unique url.
- Flower Sale Payment Turn-in Day Tuesday, April 10th
- Flower Pick-Up Day – Tuesday, May 8th afternoon, Northwest United Methodist Church
Rewards –
The profit from the sale of the flowers will be distributed as follows:
Your Scout Account: Approximately 75%
The Troop General Fund: Approximately 25%
For Example:
Just 15 Hanging Baskets or 19 Flats = Yearly Troop Dues Paid in FULL
Just 54 Hanging Baskets = Summer Camp Paid in FULL★
The Top seller (total sales volume) will receive a special surprise.
Remember, the funds raised for the general Troop fund goes to pay for camp-outs, troop camping equipment, Courts of Honor, advancements, awards, and various Troop necessities.