Steven Jamison Eagle Project

August 2014

My Eagle/Capstone Project was at the Northwest Franklin County Historical Village and Museum, located at 4100 Columbia St in Hilliard, OH. I was laying bricks around a section of a large circular flower garden in the middle of the Historical Village. This circle was approximately a 2 foot width. The brick path will act as a walkway, or path, to look at or enjoy the flowers. I had also finished a path to the back of a cabin, separating a herb garden. The straight path to the cabin is now a 3 feet width by 9 foot length. By separating this garden it will make it easier to tend to the garden.

All of the bricks used for the project were donated by the Hilliard Historical Society.  According to the Hilliard Historical Society, the bricks were donated to them by a lady who indicated they were over 100 years old and part of an old school that had been torn down.

My project has taught me how to be a leader, not only in general, but in very specific circumstances, like my Eagle/Capstone Project. I now understand how much preparation and planning it takes to be a leader of any kind; whether it be planning, fundraising, or execution. I had also learned how to overcome obstacles (heavy rain for 4 hours) and still get your main goal accomplished. If I had done this project again, I would have planned and talked more extensively to the landscaping company 9 Trees Landscaping, that had helped tremendously in donating all of the sand and gravel. I also would have studied a little more on how much I needed to dig to get the right amount of sand and gravel to lay. This project has taught me how to be a better leader and how to use my skills to help others and to set a good example.

What the area looked like before I started my Eagle/Capstone Project:


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The final results:


I would like to thank the following Scouts, Adult Leaders, Volunteers, and Donors that helped to build a fantastic new walkway for the Hilliard Historical Village.  These volunteers logged over 133 hours to help me complete my project all in one weekend.

Tristan Miller
Noah Andrews
Michael Herring
Alex Holt
Jack Lansky
Drew Mullett
Trevor Page
Ben Kirchhoff
Sean Hollowell
Andrew DeWeese
Gabriel Lopez
Andy Moffitt
Joey Perry
Simon McDaniels
Luke Perez
John Ryerson
Tom Ryerson

Adult Leaders
Greg Jamison
Bob Moffitt
John Pirt
Steve Ryerson
Todd McDaniels

Chris Jamison
Erin Jamison
Gail Mullett
Karen Holt
Ryan Strickland
Jose Lara
Kaylie Freewalt

9 Trees Landscaping
Hilliard Historical Society
Chris and Greg Jamison