Popcorn Sale Starts September 21st (Do Not Sell Before this Date)
Popcorn Sale Ends November 5th
Every Tuesday starting September 24th (during the Spaghetti Dinner)
- Pick-up Popcorn – downstairs
- Turn in collected Money (Checks payable to BSA Troop 200)
Pecatonica River is the new supplier – All Products are produced in a facility that also packages peanuts. The microwave and unpopped items are produced in dedicated sections of the facility that do not come in contact with peanuts.
Troop Earns 32% Profits of all Sales of which ¼ (8%) Stays in Troop Account and ¾ (24%) goes in Scout Account
- i.e. Scouts earn $24 in their scout account for every $100 of popcorn sold and additional prizes
Council Prizes
- I-Pad Mini Raffle for anyone who sells a Chocolate Lovers Tin
- $1250 Level – 2 OSU Men’s Hockey Tickets
- $1500 Level – 2 Blue Jackets Hockey Tickets
Popcorn Kernel
- Reassa Wagner
- reassawags@yahoo.com
- 614-767-0470 (home) 614-557-6527 (cell)
Popcorn Cadets
- Donna Perry donnaperry6@gmail.com 614-873-4336 (home) 614-668-4336 (cell)
- Karen Holt kholt@worthington.k12.oh.us 614-499-0519
- Steph Orris osorris@gmail.com 614-353-2557
- Tawnya Lewis tawnya.lewis@gmail.com 614-448-7087