Category Archives: Stories

Stories we add to our site.

2014 Flower Sale

2014 Boy Scout Troop 200 Flower Sale

March 11th – April 8th

Instructions & Important Information

  1. Wear your Scout uniform.

  2. Present yourself, including your name and the fact that you are from Boy Scout Troop 200, to your potential customer.

  3. Ask your potential customer if they would like to support you and Troop 200 by purchasing flower annuals.

  4. Discuss flower options and colors. Refer to Troop website for sample color images.

  5. Collect their money before you leave.  Say THANK YOU!

  6. No ½ flats – we will sell only full flats.

  7. Give Order Form and money for the orders to a Petal Pusher by 4/8/14.
    Petal Pusher Contacts:
    Mrs. Perry    614-668-4336
    Mrs. Lewis   614-448-7087
    Mrs. Holt      614-449-0519

  1. Checks payable to “BSA Troop 200”.

  2. YOU must pick up your orders on May 9th ! and deliver the flowers to your customers.  Customers should not go to the church to get their flowers.

  3. Questions?      Just Ask

Flower Sale Turn-in Day April 8th
Flower Pick-Up Day – May 9th Until 7pm
Northwest United Methodist Church


The profit from the sale of the flowers will be distributed as follows:
Your Scout Account:   Approximately 75%
The Troop General Fund:   Approximately 25%

Just 13 Hanging Baskets or 18 Flats = Yearly Troop Dues Paid in FULL
Just 45 Hanging Baskets = Summer Camp Paid in FULL

The Top seller (total sales volume) will receive a special surprise.

Remember, the funds raised for the general Troop fund goes to pay for campouts, troop camping equipment, Courts of Honor, advancements, awards, and various Troop necessities.


Troop 200 Gear Sale

Our fall Class B Gear sale will run from October 1 to October 15, with expected delivery of items on Nov. 1 just in time for our Turkey Campout!  The sales form is attached – please complete one form (only the order form) for each person and pay at the time of ordering.  Our Class B Gear Coordinator is Mrs. Karen Klosterman and her contact information is on the form.  Please direct any questions to her.  She will have forms and sample sizes of the items to try on during the next three meetings and will take all forms and money. Again, payment through check, cash or scout account must be made at the time of ordering to ensure we can get you the items through our vendor.

[Download Order Form HERE]

The very last day to order is October 15th so we can have enough time to get the order made and delivered.

Please know this is not a troop fundraiser since the prices you pay are directly what the vendor charges…they have done a great job of keeping the fees very reasonable and the quality high over the last 5 years.


2013 Fall Court of Honor


Northwest United Methodist Church
Chapel in the Woods (Indoors if Raining)

Sunday, September 15, 2013

3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
All family members are welcome to come and celebrate their Scout’s hard work!

Refreshments will be served at the end of the program.

All Scouts need to wear their full Class “A” uniform.

The cut-off date to turn-in merit badge blue cards to Mrs. Pitzer is TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3.
Please contact her if you have specific questions.

If you have other questions contact
Eric or Kim DeWeese
(614) 527-0937

2013 Summer Camp

Just Added 2013 Merit Badge Pre-Requisites [PDF]

Summer Camp 2013

Drop Off Your Scout

July 14, 2013
9:00 AM
Floor and Decor Parking Lot, Mill Run Parkway

Pick Up Your Scout

July 20, 2013
Around Noon, we will call and update Facebook
Floor and Decor Parking Lot, Mill Run Parkway


Camp Friedlander, Cincinnati, OH

What To Bring

Scout Handbook
Water Bottle
Cool Weather Gear
Summer Gear
Rain Gear
Med Form (if necessary)


Adult Leader
Ed Nydegger
Adult Leader
TBD, 614-999-9999
Emergency Contact
John Pirt, xxx-xxx-xxxx


PDF Summer Camp Flyer is available for download here.


Camp Friedlander

Sunday July 14 – Saturday July 20, 2013

Required Before Departure Morning

  • Turn in medical form, parts A/B/C with doctor’s signature on part C
  • Turn in “Consent/Health History and Hold Harmless Agreement”, which is required for some activities, such as climbing wall, COPE, etc.
  • If registered for Snorkeling & SCUBA, additional special forms are required.
  • If medication will be taken by the Scout while at camp, complete the “Troop 200 Scout Medication Release Form” and bring this with you along with any medication on the departure day. DO NOT pack the form or the medication. It must be handed in at the table on the morning of departure.
  • Review the prerequisites for your merit badges and be prepared to show verification or completion of these prerequisites.

Departure Morning (9:00 am, Sunday July 14th)

  • Drop off location: North parking lot at Mill Run in front of ‘Floor & Decor’, 3785 Park Mill Run Drive in Hilliard
  • Hand in Medication Release Form and medication, as applicable
  • Bring the following items with you to pack into the truck:
    • Scout locker (will be placed in the U-haul) labeled with name & Troop 200
    • Gear such as Sleeping Bag and Chair, bundled together and labeled with name & Troop 200
  • Bring the following items to hand carry to camp by the Scout in a small day pack:
    • Water bottle (filled with water)
    • Disposable bag lunch
    • Swim trunks & towel – these are only needed if you have not taken the swim test in 2013. If you have taken the swim test, pack these in your scout locker.
  • Wear your complete ‘Class A’ uniform to travel in. (May bring ‘Class B’ shirt to wear after arrival)

Other Notes/Ideas:

    • Buy some 1 gallon or 2.5 gallon zip lock bags and pack daily clothing in the bags.
    • Photocopy your scout’s dated rank pages in back of scout handbook just in case something happens to the book when it goes to camp (leave copies at home!)
    • Label anything that you want to come home!!!
    • Don’t bring anything you can’t afford to leave behind!

This is the typical amount that a Scout should arrive to Departure with:


  • Water bottle and lunch
  • Sleeping bag and camp chair
  • Some will need swim suit and towel
  • All other supplies in the locker!
  • If you have much more than this, you have probably over packed!



Summer Camp Equipment Checklist

The following list is provided as an aid to Scouts as they prepare for summer camp. It is not all encompassing, and we encourage you to check with other veteran Scout campers to assist in your planning. The Scout Handbook is another great reference!

  • Water bottle and Sunday disposable bag lunch: do not pack these–carry with you to camp
  • Complete Scout ‘Class A’ uniform (shirt, belt, scout socks, shorts or long pants)
  • To be worn during travel to/from camp, at evening dinners, opening/closing flag & campfires.
  • Clothes for other activities (scout shorts, ‘Class B’ shirts, at least 1 pair long pants and one long-sleeved shirt)
  • Underwear and socks for 6 days; Clothes to sleep in
  • A hat to provide shade for face, and preferably for ears as well
  • Swimming trunks and a towel
  • If you have not taken the swim test, do not pack these, carry these items with you to camp.
  • Athletic shoes and/or comfortable hiking boots. Bring 2 pairs of footwear. No open-toed shoes!
  • Sweatshirt and Rain gear – a rain jacket and/or poncho
  • Small Day Pack for carrying items around camp like merit badge notebook, prerequisites, pen & paper, swim trunks, Class A shirt for dinner, camp map, camp schedule, clip board, etc.


  • You will not need tents or sleeping pads. Tents and cots with pads are supplied by the camp.
  • Bring a sleeping bag & pillow; a bed sheet and/or a fitted sheet to cover mattress (optional)
  • Camp chair (optional)

Personal Items

  • Scout handbook in ziplock bag; Pocket notebook and pen/pencil
  • A watch: each scout is responsible for arriving promptly to his merit badge classes
  • Glasses / case, sun glasses as needed
  • Personal hygiene kit: soap, cloth, towel, toothbrush, paste, comb, deodorant, lip balm, etc.
  • Personal first aid kit, sunscreen and insect repellent (non-aerosol)
  • Flashlight with extra batteries; headlamp (optional); battery powered fan with extra batteries (optional)
  • Optional: Pocket knife & Totin’ Chip, camera, personal religious materials, playing cards
  • Spare water bottle (packed in your locker, in case you lose your first one)
  • Trash bags for wet / dirty clothes
  • Money for camp store ($15-$25 is a typical amount)
  • DO NOT BRING: Food (except for Sunday lunch), Phones, iPods or any other electronics

Merit Badge Specific Items

  • If working on Swimming merit badge, you will need loose fitting pants, a loose fitting button down shirt and extra shoes that can get wet for the fully clothed swimming test.
  • If working on Boating or Lifesaving MB’s, you will also need an extra pair of shoes for the water.
  • Prerequisite materials or proof of completion of prerequisites; First Aid item 2d is best done before camp.
  • Merit badge pamphlets in a zip-lock bag; merit badge worksheets printed (

Note: Typically all clothing, personal items and merit badge items will fit in your locker. If you cannot fit the items in your locker, you probably have packed too much. Your “Gear” items will probably not fit in your locker and should be tied together and labeled with your name.

Troop 200 University

Attention Troop 200 Parents:

Troop 200 University begins this coming Tuesday night (April 2nd) during the scout meeting in the sanctuary.  Come learn everything you ever wanted to know about  Boy Scouts and how Troop 200 operates and what you can do to support and encourage your scout.
This is (most likely) a three-week program with new info presented each week so please try to attend as many as you can.  Summer Camp will be a separate session.  Come with your questions too!


EasterEggs-512pxHey scouts, the EGGstravaganza is coming up. One of our big events of the year is Saturday March 30th. Scouting volunteers should be there by 9:00 AM so you can help out and have a practice run. Remember this is about giving back to the community and being a role model for those younger kids. There will be plenty to help out with, between breakfast (I believe Mr. Pirt might have already mentioned the free donuts), games, crafts, a cupcake walk and at 10:45 an Easter Egg Hunt! If you can, the church is also accepting donations of plastic eggs, candy or breakfast items. Don’t forget to sign up and be there at 9:00 sharp.