2014 Boy Scout Troop 200 Flower Sale
March 11th – April 8th
2014 Order Form
Potted Plants Flyer
Hanging Baskets Flyer
Flower Flats Flyers (try saying that 3 times fast…)
Instructions & Important Information
Wear your Scout uniform.
Present yourself, including your name and the fact that you are from Boy Scout Troop 200, to your potential customer.
Ask your potential customer if they would like to support you and Troop 200 by purchasing flower annuals.
Discuss flower options and colors. Refer to Troop website for sample color images.
Collect their money before you leave. Say THANK YOU!
No ½ flats – we will sell only full flats.
Give Order Form and money for the orders to a Petal Pusher by 4/8/14.
Petal Pusher Contacts:
Mrs. Perry 614-668-4336 DonnaPerry6@gmail.com
Mrs. Lewis 614-448-7087 Tawnya.Lewis@gmail.com
Mrs. Holt 614-449-0519 Holt522@yahoo.com
Checks payable to “BSA Troop 200”.
YOU must pick up your orders on May 9th ! and deliver the flowers to your customers. Customers should not go to the church to get their flowers.
Questions? Just Ask
Flower Sale Turn-in Day April 8th
Flower Pick-Up Day – May 9th Until 7pm
Northwest United Methodist Church
The profit from the sale of the flowers will be distributed as follows:
Your Scout Account: Approximately 75%
The Troop General Fund: Approximately 25%
Just 13 Hanging Baskets or 18 Flats = Yearly Troop Dues Paid in FULL
Just 45 Hanging Baskets = Summer Camp Paid in FULL
The Top seller (total sales volume) will receive a special surprise.
Remember, the funds raised for the general Troop fund goes to pay for campouts, troop camping equipment, Courts of Honor, advancements, awards, and various Troop necessities.