Popcorn Sale Starts September 20th (Do Not Sell Before this Date)
Popcorn Sale Ends November 8th
Every Tuesday starting September 23rd
- Pick-up Popcorn – downstairs (starting at 7:30) after opening ceremony and announcements
- Turn in collected Money (Checks payable to BSA Troop 200)
- Keep track of your sales with a Scout Transaction Form (downloadable from this website)
Pecatonica River is the supplier again – All Products are produced in a facility that also packages peanuts. The microwave and unpopped items are produced in dedicated sections of the facility that do not come in contact with peanuts.
Troop Earns 32% Profits of all Sales of which ¼ (7%) Stays in Troop Account and ¾ (25%) goes in Scout Account
- i.e. Scouts earn $24 in their scout account for every $100 of popcorn sold and additional prizes
Council Prizes
- $600 Level – Stomp Rocket
- $1250 Level – Dave & Busters Gift Card for $23
- $1500 Level – 2 Blue Jackets Hockey Tickets
Popcorn Kernel
- Reassa Wagner reassawags@yahoo.com
- 614-767-0470 (home)
- 614-557-6527 (cell)
Popcorn Cadets
Daniela Bundschuh, Joy Caudill, Karen Holt, Tawnya Lewis, Steph Orris, and Donna Perry And we can use more helpers to hand out popcorn and collect the money every Tuesday!