2015 Dues Information


TO: All Registered Scouts, Parents and Registered Adult Leaders
RE: 2015 Troop Dues – payable now
FR: Troop Committee DT: October 14, 2014

To register with the BSA Troop 200 for the 2015 calendar year, membership dues for this year will be:

Scouts—$75 (same as ‘14, $10 less than ‘13 and $25 less than ‘12 though National BSA increased $9 in ’14)
Scouters*—$24 (same as 2014)

Payment Due Date: No later than Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Who to pay: Mrs. Pirt, Troop Treasurer You do not need to fill out a new application—just pay your dues to the Troop. Check, cash or scout account. If your email, phone number(s) or address has changed, please let us know when you pay.

NOTE: If you are selling popcorn to help pay your dues, please make sure your popcorn sales money has been turned in to the Popcorn Kernel and speak with the Treasurer to make the necessary arrangements.

Scouters*—When you actively plan or participate as an asst. in any Troop 200 campout during 2015, your $24 dues payment will be credited back to your scout account (or your son’s), after the event.

Please note the following guidelines as stated in the Troop Dues and Recharter Policy:

Financial assistance: Troop 200 never denies a boy the opportunity to have the scout experience as a member of Troop 200 based on financial hardship and the inability to pay dues; a payment plan can be established or financial assistance through the troop may be available. If you are in need of these options, please contact the Scoutmaster (Mr. Pirt) or Committee Chair, (Mr. McCartt) to discuss your personal situation—this must occur before November 18 and will be kept confidential.

Unpaid dues—Scouts and Scouters: After the payment due date, November 18, 2014, you will be dropped from the charter. This means you may only participate in Troop activities thru the end of this year, December 31, 2014. To rejoin the Troop, you will have to complete a new application and make a full dues payment at the time of your application.

How were the dues determined? The Finance subcommittee, consisting of the Scoutmaster, Troop Chairman, Treasurer and Charter Org Rep together reviewed the current budget, actual expenses and revenue, in-depth – plus looked carefully at the troop budget historical trends, planned expenses including equipment needs for 2015, conservative fundraising projections, and even coverage for a very modest contingency amount for campout overages (but those are “break even budgeted” to keep camping costs minimal), and then took the line item budget option to the Troop Committee for discussion and a vote. The 2015 budget is essentially planned to be break even. For a full run down and copy of the troop budget, please see Mr. McCartt. We are very pleased to be able to offer no increase in dues and hold them once again.